The ARPC process:

      What we do and how we do it.

Why ARPC's process is more effective than traditional collection companies

  ARPC Good News
1st & 2nd letter to debtor in practice name. Friendly letter in practice name.
You are in control of the relationship.
3rd & 4th letter to debtor in practice name. Stronger language with details of consequence.
Debtor notified by phone in practice name. Final effort before debtor file is given to attorney.
Up to three letters from attorney on retainer, which we provide for you. Serious consequence and lets the debtor know the attorney is not going away.
Attorney contact by phone before proceeding legally. Lets debtor know that legal action is to follow.
Litigation. Attorney will pursue litigation on practice behalf, if you choose.
Credit Bureau report. If account remains unpaid, you may report debtor to national credit bureau if you choose.
  Collection Company Bad News
Letter to the debtor from
the collection company.
This challenges your relationship with patient; therefore you may hold the debt, making it hard to collect.
Phone call to debtor. No guarantee a phone call will be made. Collection companies will not aggressively pursue a small debt.
Nothing. Collection companies will not invest their time for small debts.
Nothing. See above.
Nothing. Collection companies will not spend money on an attorney process that costs more than the debt is worth.
Nothing. Remember, you don’t know what the collection companies are doing.
Nothing. You never know what the collection companies did. You will only see poor results and lost profits.